Learn about artificial intelligence from the experts of Pocket Gamer Connects Se | Pocket Gamer.biz

Pocket Gamer Connects Seattle will be our most forward-thinking conference yet with a focus on artificial intelligence. What exactly makes knowledge of this field so essential for businesses and professionals looking to stay ahead of the technology curve in 2023?

We’re back in the States in just over two weeks and we can’t wait to return to our favorite US city for this special edition of our conference. PG Connects Seattle brings together over 1,000 attendees from the gaming industry all over the world to connect, pitch and learn from the top 150 of the leading authorities in the gaming industry. The event will also cover mobile, PC, console, web3, AI, AR and much more across multiple runway rooms. Our brilliant speakers and panels will provide insightful content on design and development, monetization and growth, life as an indie, new technologies , company culture and much more. Along with all this amazing content, our famous industry matchmaking opportunities are back. This includes our popular Big Indie Pitch competitions, Publisher SpeedMatch and Investor Connector.

Part of what makes PG Connects conferences so unmissable is learning from experts at the forefront of their field, and we were lucky enough to hear some insights from speakers who will be taking the stage at our show in Seattle next month.

I like to think that we help people increase their abilities and reach their role through AI. We’re not looking to replace anyone, we’re looking to improve their workflow and make games much more interesting.

Rahul Sood, CEO of Irreverent Labs

Today, we got some amazing insights into AI, how it’s impacting the gaming industry and where it’s headed from Rahul Sood, CEO and Co-Founder of Irreverent Labs. Irreverent Labs sits at the intersection of Machine Learning and Entertainment, a generative AI entertainment studio backed by ventures with A mission to build insanely fun, highly intelligent, automated entertainment experiences using generative AI.

Don’t miss Rahul Sood at Pocket Gamer Connects Seattle, where he will be participating in a panel discussion on whether Generative AI is the future of gaming.

PocketGamer.biz: What is your experience with the field of artificial intelligence?
Rahul Sood: We’ve assembled a world-class research team, and we’re releasing our foundational models this year.

What initially attracted you to the field of artificial intelligence?
My business partner, who spent 10 years in ML at Microsoft and elsewhere.

How have you seen artificial intelligence impact the gaming industry as we know it today?
Game developers use artificial intelligence applications to help them write scripts, build a world, help automate their work, and develop characters.

How do you foresee artificial intelligence affecting the gaming industry in the coming years?
I think it will be massive – I believe the future of gaming starts with artificially intelligent NPCs becoming more and more intelligent and living outside of the games they gave birth to.

What do you think is the most fascinating aspect of artificial intelligence and game creation?
We discover something new every two weeks.

How do you think we balance embracing innovation through AI with protecting people’s jobs in the games industry?

I like to think that we help people increase their abilities and reach their role through AI. We’re not looking to replace anyone, we’re looking to improve their workflow and make games much more interesting.

What would you say to developers who may not be ready to embrace AI in game production?
Get on board, or be left behind.

How can artificial intelligence directly benefit game development?
By increasing creators’ workflow and giving them access to tools that remove routine work so they can focus on being creative.

How can artificial intelligence in games affect the player experience?
Players will become emotionally attached to the characters they own. The idea of ​​NPCs has been around forever, but AI NPCs is on another level.

Get on board or be left behind.

Rahul Sood, CEO of Irreverent Labs

Do you have any comments about Sulstan winning the AI ​​Games Most Promising Technology Award at PG Connects Games Mobile Awards Last Week? This award celebrated the company that over the past year has consistently delivered the most impressive set of AI-assisted tools for creating mobile games.
I think it’s amazing, well done to the team. It is a growing area and there are many interesting companies emerging in the space.

Do you have additional comments about the gaming industry and artificial intelligence?
I look forward to sharing what Irreverent Labs has been working on this August.

Connecting you to the future
Now more than ever, our show goes far beyond mobile gaming – PG Connects connects you to the future and equips you with the knowledge and tools you need to stay ahead of the curve. Our Seattle show is prepared with everything you’ll need to stay up-to-date on all things artificial intelligence. The core theme of our program poses the question of how you can stay ahead of the curve and use AI and future technologies to your advantage, and here’s just some of the content we’ve prepared for you to explore…

future trends

Stay ahead of the game with insight into all the latest and most recent global trends for the future. Explore future technologies that are shaping the game development landscape, from artificial intelligence, to web3, the meta-bars and blockchain.

Including innovative, technology-driven routes…

  • Advanced AI
  • Metaverse Magic
  • Blockchain boost
  • NFT Know-How
  • technological trends

A word from Steel Media
Dave Bradley, our VP of Steel Media, shared insights about generative AI and what its significant potential is for the gaming industry: “Generative AI has barely been out of the news since ChatGPT hit the mainstream. With the release of GPT-4, it seems more certain than ever that – for better or for worse – AI is the next step in society’s technological evolution. It follows the leaps and bounds we’ve seen in our lifetime, such as the internet, social media and mobile. Unlike blockchain, which remains impenetrable to the non-techies in your life, ChatGPT has given everyone a new tool.

It’s fun to play with, but the potential impact of AI on the entertainment industry cannot be overstated. Working in the media, publishing and gaming industries – this is what you need to read about, sharp. Writers, artists, marketing managers, coders, recruiters, sales people… an AI tool will accelerate the way our competitors work, so we need to educate ourselves.

Like all tools since the Industrial Revolution, what generative AI does is automation. It speeds up processes, and it takes what you might spend an hour doing and does it in seconds. It allows computers to analyze, manipulate and synthesize content autonomously, producing high-quality and realistic text, images, site code and even entire immersive worlds, with NPCs that talk to you fluently.

An AI tool will accelerate the way our competitors work, so we need to educate ourselves.

Dave Bradley, VP of Media for Steel Media

Ethical, legal and professional considerations must be taken into account, not to mention the multitude of inaccuracies. But artificial intelligence will continue to evolve and become more essential to business over the coming year. As AI algorithms become smarter at understanding and processing human language, we can expect to see more sophisticated and realistic text generation and better speech recognition and language translation.

Generative AI will undoubtedly revolutionize certain aspects of content creation and production, speeding up video editing processes or creating marketing graphics or entire story plots, much to the chagrin of some people. But in the short term, it won’t replace people in the workplace. Instead, generative AI will become part of our processes, enabling professionals to accelerate and improve their workflow, giving them room to focus on creative and strategic tasks—a complement to, not a substitute for, human ingenuity.

AI was the hottest topic at our biggest gaming conference ever, in London in January this year. So as we plan the conference season ahead, we’re making it more focused, bringing knowledge and opinion to the stage in Seattle in May, with A special AI edition of Pocket Gamer Connects on May 16-17.”

Book a ticket now!

You won’t want to miss the most forward-looking edition of our conference series yet. Make sure you secure a place in the rooms where all these pioneering talks will take place next month. Secure your show ticket today and make the most of our limited time discount, you can save up to $180 if you act before prices go up! Enter soon in two weeks, so don’t wait to order a ticket!




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