I am bad at Dark Souls, but I LOVE Elden Ring (an Elden Ring Technical Test Preview)

I recently had a chance to dive into that head Elden Ring From a somewhat unique point of view. Years of limited hype and teasing have caught my interest like everyone else. But unlike my peers, I never fell in love with the painful experiences of Dark Souls or Bloodborne, nor did I enjoy it too much. Ongoing death despite all my efforts has never been my bread and butter, and honestly, Elden Ring Looks like it’s going to be more of the same. But when I jump in, I realize now that I could not be more wrong.

really, Elden Ring Challenging in line with its predecessors. However, there are a number of key steps forward in this game that take it beyond a brutal death festival. The ability to call for help from colleagues, explore the vast world as you wish and avoid certain dangers instead of getting stuck in front of them for hours of battle attempts made the whole experience feel freer and allowed me to take my time and learn the laws of the world. Boy, there is still a lot to learn! Elden Ring There is complex information and terminology behind items, activities and everything in between. Those who are more suited to FromSoft’s broader meta may find it more familiar than me, but I spent a lot of time trying to figure out what things meant or what they did, as well as what this world is about. Certainly, in this test at least, there was very little familiarity with the world or its story. A few vague notes of rude NPC passers-by and a host of large glowing trees are the only signs you enter the world with. Then, like me, you may be destroyed by a great opponent, clad in gold armor who rides you on horseback in extreme prejudices …

A few hours after falling to the deep end, things started to feel more familiar. Part of the problem seemed to be that my choice of class did not suit me, and after starting over with another I realized how much a comfortable playing style is essential to the success of this game. Elden Ring Offers five class options. Enchanted knights, whom I have tried before, unite a close battle with ranged spells to control enemies throughout the battle. I have not gotten along with these people, but I can see their benefits for more talented fighters. Prophets increase the magic factor a step further and can be a great asset in the range as proven by many allies I have summoned for help. The Bloody Wolf, the ultimate class of my choice, combines a large heavy sword with a workable shield that has saved my soul more than once when it comes to ranged enemies or groups of enemies. The penultimate choice is the champion, a formidable fighter with incredible control abilities in the area. Finally, the more traditional warrior seemed to be a frequent choice by collaborators; Fast and quick movement with much of your classic incarnation as a powerful technique. There is not a huge range of differences between the lessons, but it is very worthwhile to play until you find the one that suits your style of play. Landing on the Bloody Wolf was a real bonus to my enjoyment of the game, as I felt comfortable in my abilities and used them to a relatively good effect compared to more complex class choices.

Full utilization of the open world b Elden Ring, With his extreme (though more) sense of Bath of the Wild, I began to hike to different corners of the area that could be explored in the test before choosing to walk the “Punch Trail”. The design of the world and its various corners and dungeons is impeccable, seductive and daunting. Bright open spaces become dark and unkempt dungeons with immediate transitions to these new environments. The world makes you feel different in its various fields, and it’s an exceptional design at its best. Unclear creatures do their business quietly in the mines. Large birds sit uninterested in your presence. Enemies patrol and chat until they recognize you where you should not be. The world lives with peaceful days and you do not belong. I quickly fell in love and became a researcher rather than a warrior for many hours of my time in the game test. Perhaps the most prominent from a design point of view, of course, were the mighty bosses who often stood in my way …

Elden RingThe bosses of the mighty, cruel, and most importantly to me, can be mistaken. Now do not get me wrong, I understand that nothing in Dark Souls is not Impossible. But none of the bosses came in Elden Ring Made me feel depressed, angry or nervous trying to defeat them. Instead, a strong but completely defeated enemy felt worthy when he hit me and like an achievement when instead they fell on my blade. I use the term “mine” a bit loosely, because in most of the major combat situations that have examined me I have been able to quickly and politely call for help from other players. Co-op made its way into the soul game at some point, but in this game, it felt fast and natural to play it. An actor will appear in my world, help me defeat a great enemy, convey to me his satisfaction through emotions and fade into the site. It was a quick and quiet exchange, but one that significantly improved my overall experience. It made the bosses exciting and tactical to defeat, and the wider game feels more accessible than anything before. Suddenly, I enjoyed a soul-like game from every aspect; Be it the world, its inhabitants, the challenging battle or, in fact, the personalization.

Progress and customization were elements that again confused me a bit. There are a lot of things that play out in terms of data and not all language appears directly. However, I took a moment with one element at a time, I was able to make key decisions to consistently improve my character. From a simple level system to inserting my sword into powerful and magical war ashes, I constantly felt like I was becoming at least a little stronger. Combined with cooking custom potions and using rune-type upgrades alike, there is a lot of deep and complex strategy in the game even in the background choices you make. I can not claim to have understood them all, but the fact that I have progressed (with no less enthusiasm) so much more in Elden Ring Than in any soul-like game I’ve played before, it gave me the solid impression that this game is not just your average death anniversary FromSoft! This is something I really, really want to play more.

In my excited description of how it all fits together and the fact that I can finally see what everyone has been passionate about all these years, I must not neglect to mention gameplay. The game is very much adapted to the class of characters you play. I did not get along with the magical knight, but playing as a bloody wolf with a shield that would help me negotiate attacks from ranged ranges and a bow to return fire on my own made me feel comfortable in battle. Crossing the world is mainly walking, riding (once you acquire the double jumping phenomenon which is the Specttral Steed) and the jumping method a lot. This is a fairly standard matter for an open world game, despite the fact that your horse can fly efficiently under the right conditions. More of that in the full edition of the game, I’m sure. Battles is what everyone who plays these games wants to know about, and for many fans it will feel completely familiar. The need for strict timing replaces the whole essence of making it an omnipotent force of nature. Your weapon and armament can be upgraded to a destructive effect for smaller enemies, but when fighting a bigger boss or a more technical enemy, a combination of timing, freezing and of course rolling is still the key. Bigger hits from bigger enemies can be devastating, though there were fewer one-hit wonders in what I experienced in the game. However, the sudden appearance of a massive dragon scared me enough to jump off the couch, shout “No!” Pretty strong and Spectral Stay I came out of this area forever!

My thoughts on this game are probably unconventional given my previous experience with the developer titles library. However, no new game is intended solely for existing fans, so I hope my perspective holds some benefits and value for those who do not know. Elden Ring In fact, very similar to Dark Souls and Bloodbourne in mood, style and mechanics, but certain changes and additions give you a chance to fight, no matter what your level of experience. The game is still much more challenging than your average RPG; Do not expect Skyrim from FromSoftware! But b Elden Ring You can move forward as you wish, enjoy the world no less than the challenge and ask for help when you need it. The pace slows down, you control your adventure and you are not alone. For a relatively new one, it made all the difference to me and I really can not wait to play more of the game with the release. Keep an eye on it for people, both fans and fresh intriguing faces alike. Elden Ring Could be the RPG that would unite the two sides under his hood. This is, potentially, a real winner.

Learn more Elden Ring Head here – https://en.bandainamcoent.eu/elden-ring/elden-ring

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